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J1034-Care and Concern
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J1034-Care and Concern
Product Details
Care & Concern, 4 designs, 3 of each design
Outside: From a heart that cares...
Inside: ...hugs & prayers
Outside: If God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers...
Inside: ...He will certainly care for you. Thinking of you --- praying for you.
Outside: Hope you can feel God right there beside you...
Inside: ... taking each step with you, quieting your heart, and reminding you always of His love, His strength, and His great faithfulness, You're in my prayers too.
Outside: Five things God wants you to remember in trying times
Inside: 1. You're never, ever alone 2. Nothing takes Him by surprise. 3. When you're weak, he's strong. 4. He's the God of new beginnings. 5. His love never gives up on us. Trusting Him to carry you through
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